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How We Can Assist You

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How to Receive Services from CAPC

CAPC provides Supported Employment, Supported Living and Community Inclusion services for adults with developmental disabilities. The uniqueness of our program lies in its approach to providing services. All services are driven by the person receiving them; we start with the hopes and dreams of the individual and develop an individualized service plan to provide the person the opportunities to pursue his/her hopes and dreams.

Whether a person desires to go to college, get a job or live in a home of their own, CAPC’s qualified staff can help make the dream a reality.

In order to receive our services you have to:

  • live within a 10 mile radius of our uptown Whittier office, or
  • live within a 10 mile radius of our Fullerton Administrative Office
  • have a desire to work (volunteer or paid) or live in your own home
  • want to live a typical adult life
  • have supportive people in your life that will encourage you to make adult decisions with support

If you agree with CAPC’s philosophy and would like to receive our services, contact your local Regional Center Service Coordinator or Department of Rehabilitation Counselor to send a referral to us.

If you have questions regarding our services, contact Edith Fierro at (562) 693-8826 or

CAPC’s Mission

To empower individuals with disabilities to maximize the quality of their lives in their home communities.